typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject Application MenuCell ButtonCell ActionCell Helvetica-Oblique MenuTemplate *@*@ccc Capture Matrix Control Responder @:@iiii Info Panel... Overview... ff@@#::s submenuAction: NXImage NXmenuArrow Paste Select All Helvetica NXradio NXradioH [33@] Button black Slider SliderCell dddf@d@ TextField TextFieldCell Horizontal Vertical Width Height Images to Grab: Grab Start: Grab Stop: Write Start: Write Stop: Video In: Open when done saving NXswitch NXswitchH Top NTSC Bottom NTSC Radio WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Window ScrollView ClipView CustomView Grab20 Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffsac[ [8@]d Version 0.5a by ... Sound Etude Audio Engineering Peter Eisch ciifffcfffs [2047c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 \grayb0\pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs28\gray1000\fc0\cf0 This is a simple animation builder. The idea is neat, the implementation is almost slick, but the end result is generally disappointing.\ The idea is to hook up to your video in and select a region that you want to grab, then select Grab. After it grabs all the images, it will ask you for a filename and then create the directory with each image properly named. Then double-click on the animation and Icon.app or Movie.app can handle the rest. \ Remember that if you want to do something stupid, something stupid will happen keep in mind your system resources.\ How fast can I grab? Under optimal circumstances this will grab about 6 frames per second. (Optimal = small image area and gobs of memory.) Icon.app only allows for 99 frames, and even a moderate system will grab that. My development system has enough RAM to hold 22 640x480 frames in Icon without swapping, but Capture only manages to grab about 3 frames per second. Thus the output is far from smooth.\ My sincerest apologies to PAL users. You'll have to use dwrite's and set the following:\ dwrite Capture MaximumXOrigin xxx\ dwrite Capture MaximumYOrigin xxx\ dwrite Capture MaximumWidth xxx\ dwrite Capture MaximumHeight xxx\ where 'xxx' is some number useful. The default values are:\ MaximumXOrigin 590\ MaximumYOrigin 492\ MaximumWidth 640\ MaximumHeight 480\ Peter Eisch\ peter@tahiti.umhc.umn.edu peisch@snac.cfa.org\ 214 North Seventh Street\ River Falls, WI 54022-2503\ VOX: (715) 425-8636\ FAX: (715) 425-2999\ Remember that this software is provided free and without any guarantees or implied fit for use. It is known to wreak havoc on swapfiles. Further NeXT seems to have broken something in the NXLiveVideo view or the NDdriver with 3.2 which makes me less than confident about it's reliabilty. Check your console if you're in doubt. NXCursor NXibeam Version 0.6a Panel Specs Information Field6 Field13 ScrollingText Field15 Field1 Field Slider4 Slider3 Field2 Button1 Field8 File's Owner Field10 Field5 Slider2 MainMenu Field9 Field12 VersionNumber Field16 Field11 Field17 Field7 Field3 Field14 Slider1 Field4 Field18 [40@] IBControlConnector IBConnector hide: terminate: copy: paste: selectAll: begin: takeIntValueFrom: setCount: IBOutletConnector field frameSlider delegate startGrab stopGrab startWrite stopWrite width height update: updateHori: updateVert: updateWid: updateHei: horiSlide vertSlide widSlide heiSlide makeKeyAndOrderFront: changeIn: